
District Staff Senate

The District Staff Senate (DSS) supports the District Support Offices (DSO) and is a member of the Executive Staff Senate (ESS) of the Alamo Colleges. It shares the mission and purpose stated in the ESS constitution.


  • To represent the concerns of classified, professional, part-time, and temporary staff to Alamo Colleges administrators.
  • To address issues that concern the job welfare and job environment of all staff.
  • To serve as a communications link among staff, faculty, and administrators.
  • To conduct studies or surveys regarding matters of concern, as suggested or required.
  • To promote activities conducive to the professional development of all staff.
  • To provide input to the Alamo Colleges policy, budget rules, and regulations for the benefit of staff.

Constitution & Bylaws





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Join District Staff Senate

The Senate’s primary responsibility is to give voice to the collective interests and concerns of all Alamo Colleges District staff employees. We advocate for career advancement, job welfare, and the overall working environment of all staff.

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Distinguished Employee Award

The Distinguished Employee Award celebrates colleagues who exemplify the Alamo Colleges District Values and honors those who turn good into great. Nominate a fellow DSO employee today!

Nomination Form

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District Staff Senate coordinates and engages in a variety of events throughout the year. Several events are annual events hosted by District Staff Senate in addition to fundraising and volunteer efforts.

District Staff Senators


Yolanda Crooms
Enterprise Reporting
Vice President:

Franchesca Velten
Development Manager

Dr. Christina Cortez
Interim Chief of Strategic Enrollment Management ccortez109@paulytheprayingpup.com

Franchesca Velten
Development Manager

Amber Logan
Alamo Colleges Police
Communications Chair:

Lisa Garcia
Employee Communications